Chiropractic care is a natural, holistic solution to pain relief, pain management, and overall enhanced health. At Foxboro Chiropractic our goal is to provide you with quality medical care as well as the knowledge you need for an increased quality of life. View our frequently asked questions below to learn more about the chiropractic process.
  • What is the cracking noise?

    A: Actually, not all adjusting techniques produce the sound associated with “popping knuckles.” Some create no sound at all, some a little. The sound is caused by gas rushing in to fill the partial vacuum created when joints are separated slightly during a spinal adjustment.
  • Why would a young child need chiropractic care?

    A: Newborn's have received spinal adjustments especially after difficult or traumatic births. Young children learning to walk can fall upwards of 30 times each day. These repetitive traumas can cause vertebral misalignments (subluxations) (link). If they are left unchecked bigger problems later in life can develop.
  • What do I wear during a visit?

    A: You may wear whatever you like. Clothing is not removed during office visits to Foxboro Chiropractic. If you are receiving diagnostic testing (most often on your initial visit) you may be asked to put on a gown. Most patients are comfortable if they wear loose fitting clothes.
  • What is a subluxation and what causes them?

    A: To understand chiropractic you first have to understand how the body works. Our bodies have the knowledge and ability ( chiropractors call this "Innate Intelligence") to keep us healthy. This power controls heart rate, breathing, digestion and every other vital function. Instructions from your brain via the spinal cord are sent to every organ and cell in your body. If the instructions are received and followed properly, your body is able to reach and maintain its optimum level of health. However, if there is any interference with the transmission of those instructions the result is less-than-optimum health. Your body can no longer function normally.

    Messages to and from the brain are electrical impulses traveling along a complex system of nerve fibers including the spinal cord, which extends from the base of the skull down the center of the back. It is protected by the spinal column -- sometimes called the backbone -- which forms a "tunnel" of small interlocking bones called vertebrae. Spaces between the bones allow nerves to branch off to various parts of the body. This tunnel has to be strong enough to safeguard the nerves from injury, but flexible enough to allow the body to bend and move freely.

    You have approximately 200 bones in your body. Where these bones come together, either in the spinal column or elsewhere in the body, they form a "joint" or articulation which allows you to move. This area is where subluxation may occur. The vertebral subluxation is an alteration of the normal position and/or motion of the spinal bones. This alteration creates interference to vital nerve signals on their way to and from the brain.

    Vertebral subluxation can be caused by any type of stress that is greater than the body can handle. Physical stresses such as falls, accidents, a difficult birth, sports, computer work or long car rides can strain the muscles, ligaments and joints, causing spinal subluxation. Chemical stresses such as pollutants and emotional stresses can cause an overall tightening of the muscular system and therefore cause spinal strain.

    The purpose of chiropractic is to locate and correct subluxations. Detecting subluxations is a complicated and exacting science. A large part of a chiropractor's education deals with how to locate and analyze improper placement and motion of the vertebrae and adjacent structures of the body.

    Chiropractors give spinal adjustments to correct subluxations. Although there are several different adjusting techniques, they all accomplish the same thing. They restore the joint or vertebrae to their normal postion or function so that the nerve flow can resume its normal course. The instructions being sent throughout the body by Innate Intelligence can once again reach their destinations without interference. You will experience the positive effects of the chiropractic adjustment as decreased pain and increased range of motion and improved body function.
  • Can I see a Chiropractor if I have had back surgery or other serious conditions?

    A: Yes. If you have a fracture in your back or neck you should wait for the fracture to heal. If you have had surgery chiropractic care may help prevent the common occurrence known as “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.” Chiropractic care may help prevent repeated operations.

    Dr. Elfman would be happy to consult with you to answer any further questions or concerns.
  • Once I start going will I have to go forever?

    A: We hope that once you begin to feel less pain, more balanced, less stressed and more energetic you will like the feeling. Periodic chiropractic adjustments help to maintain that feeling. Think of it like going to the gym. If your goal is to lose a few pounds you can go to the gym for a short time and succeed. However, if you stop going to the gym you may put back on weight but more importantly you won't feel as good or be as healthy. You don't have to go to a dentist forever but periodic cleanings are a good idea. Like a health club work-out or a dental cleaning, periodic spinal check-ups will help you feel and perform your best. If you stop going to the chiropractor, spine and nerve stress may continue to build up as before and if that stress build-up is not relieved, your body and overall health will suffer.
  • Does it hurt?

    A: Chiropractic adjustments are very gentle and do not cause pain.
  • What Education do you have?

    A: Like all primary health care providers, doctors of chiropractic undergo extensive education and training before becoming licensed professionals. Students begin by fulfilling undergraduate degree requirements, with a strong emphasis on the core sciences such as chemistry, anatomy, physiology, and physics.

    The professional program leading to the Doctor of Chiropractic degree is very demanding. Chiropractic students continue their study of the sciences, including pathology and biochemistry, at a highly detailed level.

    Their education continues into the advanced clinical sciences including orthopedics, neurology, examination procedures, differential diagnosis, and X-ray interpretation. During this entire process, aspiring doctors of chiropractic gain knowledge of the philosophy and practice of health care and chiropractic.

    Doctors of chiropractic refine their technical adjusting skills in technique classes. During clinical internships student doctors perfect these skills.

    Finally, all doctors of chiropractic must pass the rigorous national board exams and state exams before entering the field.
  • How often should I see a chiropractor?

    A: The answer is different for each individual. After an initial evaluation and consultation Dr. Elfman will review an initial treatment plan with you that may be modified as treatment continues.
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